Hey friends and new followers. Thanks for reading my blog. I love writing on here from time to time. I wish I would do it more often. We have been so busy with moving, my dad getting diagnosed with cancer, and etc. Let me introduce myself quickly. My name is Andrea. I have been married to my sweet husband Jacob for five years, and we have a sweet 13 month old baby boy. His name is Henry, and he is so active. He has been walking since 9 months and now runs. He is adventurous and I love his funny personality. We love Freshly Picked Moccasins at our house. That's all he wears. The new Lyn-Z Pastrana Collaboration is amazing. Of course we decided to get the Dare Devil Moccasins. Our Henry boy is a little Dare Devil. Plus those lightening bolts are awesome! The collection releases today at 10 a.m and features five new moccs.
Freshly Picked and Susan Petersen are the best. They are generous to give my readers a FREE pair of soft sole moccasins.
Scroll the bottom of my review to enter! Good luck everyone.
Click here to shop their Moccasin collection
Giveaway Policy:
The winner cannot have won any other giveaway including Freshly picked moccasins within the last 60 days.
The giveaway is for a pair of soft sole moccasins.
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you Freshly Picked for sponsoring this!
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